New Year, New You! Good foot health!
My website is finally starting to come together. It's a working progress, like everything in life I guess. And I certainly enjoy a challenge.

As we are about to embark on a New Year, I thought it would be a good idea to provide some top tips for good foot health. If you haven't made a resolution yet, why not choose to look after your feet. Even starting with the basics. Your feet deserve to be pampered. If you think about it, we spend a lot of time on them and we can often take them for granted. So, care for them!
Head to my top tips page here for more info re how to care for your feet better. Whether that be looking after your feet by wearing appropriate footwear or keeping those tootsies clean. Get reading!
So, whilst we are on the subject....what resolution(s) have you in mind for 2018?
Mine? - to spend precious time with my lovely family and friends. Also, to continue to enjoy my job - I love my job and the lovely people I meet.
Take care and have a fab 2018 :o) Happy New Year!

Lynn xx
p.s. Please contact me for an appointment here - I would love to hear from you.