Chosen as 1 of the top best 3 Podiatrists in Sunderland!!!

👍👍 Woohoo I made it in the top 3 best Podiatrists in #Sunderland! 😀
For a one woman firm its a real honour, OMG!!
Thanks to My Daughter for all her help.
I am over the moon!! I went from being a Nurse, Foot Health Practitioner to #Podiatrist and it has been so worth it ❤
👍 So, how did I get chosen? Well, it’s all done independently by the Three Best Rated team who do a lot of digging and investigating! No nominations or voting is involved. As a Thank You for providing consistent high-quality service in my area of business this is what I was awarded with 😀😀😀 Their review team use a rigorous 50-Point Inspection which includes everything from checking reputation, history, complaints, ratings, satisfaction, nearness, trust, cost, and general excellence. I am honoured!

I strive to provide quality at all times for my lovely customers and I work hard. For me, being a Podiatrist allows me to meet many amazing people and I love being able to help them! So, to all my current, ongoing and future clients, many thanks as it’s also down to you.

And as always, if you need an appointment, please get in touch with me via my contact page here. Thanks,
Lynn, xxx