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Coronavirus (covid-19) update - how I am helping to keep my clients safe!

Coronavirus update

Having read though the latest advice from the Government and College of Podiatry regarding covid-19 (coronavirus) I have decided to write a little update for you all.

As per guidance, I will remain operating and visiting clients until I am told otherwise. My clients still need care. Bear in mind, I visit people with health problems such as diabetes so some may not be able to postpone treatment. On the other hand, I have a duty of care so I will be carrying out a risk assessment for each person I visit.

For those who may be more at risk of coronavirus, I.e., those over 70/under 70 with serious health issues as listed on the government website, we can decide together whether you want to delay your appointment, otherwise I can visit with your verbal consent and I will use suitable personal protective equipment as per guidance on Infection control is of utmost important to myself.

Coronavirus- protect yourself and others

We have been made aware that limiting distance (up to 2metres) and length of time spent with clients limits the spread of the disease. I am considering ordering a supply of masks which my client / myself can wear during the appointment.

The measures I am taking myself are :

 avoiding any high risk areas, avoiding public places deemed high risk where there are large gatherings of people over 500.

 Wearing personal protection, i.e gloves and aprons

 Using hand sanitiser

 Washing my hands regularly for 20 seconds, as everyone should be doing. I wash my hands on arriving to my own home

 Ringing each client the day before an appointment to ensure they are fit and well, also to remind if that changes before my visit to inform me.

I will be monitoring my stocks daily. I have asthma and an elderly parent, therefore I need to keep myself well too and avoid to the best of my ability contracting Coronavirus.

As a reminder, if you show any of the signs of covid-19 infection you must self-isolate, if any of your family show symptoms you must all self-isolate for 14 days or until all are better. This also applies to myself.

Any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me: here or via my Facebook page

I post regular updates on my social media platforms so it would be useful if you come over and follow my Facebook page.

Keep safe.

Thanks, Lynn xx

#podiatrist and owner.

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Page Last Updated: 10th February 2025 | © Copyright 2007-2025 Lynn Ward, Podiatrist, trading as The Mobile Foot Clinic. |

ADDRESS: Sunderland, Tyne and Wear, SR3, England, GB | TEL: 07935039600 |


(foot health, foot care, podiatry, chiropody)

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